¿Qué es el magnesio?
El magnesio es un oligoelemento esencial en el cuerpo. Participa en más de 300 reacciones diferentes, en particular para la transmisión de mensajes nerviosos, la relajación del organismo, la formación de huesos y dientes y la producción de energía. Tan importante como es, el magnesio no se produce dentro del cuerpo.
Su ingesta a través de los alimentos es fundamental pero muchas veces resulta insuficiente para cubrir las necesidades. El uso de complementos alimenticios puede ser necesario, en particular para combatir las consecuencias de la falta de magnesio como la fatiga, el estrés, la ansiedad y los calambres musculares.
El magnesio, como el calcio, el potasio o el hierro, es un elemento químico de referencia. Esto significa que entra en la composición de muchas moléculas y puede aparecer en muchas formas. Cuando se trata de magnesio, es el noveno elemento químico más abundante en el universo. Está presente en el suelo, el agua, las plantas y los animales.
Fue en 1755 cuando el médico y químico escocés Joseph Black reconoció el magnesio como elemento químico. Luego fue aislado por primera vez en 1808 por el físico y químico inglés Humphry Davy. En 1869 integró la tabla de Mendeleïev que enumera y clasifica los diferentes elementos químicos según sus propiedades. Cada elemento químico se enumera con un símbolo químico y número atómico diferente. El magnesio está simbolizado por las letras Mg y tiene el número 12.
Apariencia, composición y formato
El magnesio existe en forma de sales de magnesio: cloruro de magnesio, citrato de magnesio, carbonato de magnesio, óxido de magnesio, hidróxido de magnesio, glicerofosfato de magnesio, lactato de magnesio...Estas sales suelen presentarse en forma de polvo blanco.
Hay varias fuentes alimenticias de magnesio, incluidas las aguas minerales y varios alimentos cotidianos. Los alimentos ricos en magnesio incluyen semillas oleaginosas, legumbres, cereales integrales, algas, chocolate, café y mariscos. A pesar de estas diferentes fuentes, la ingesta diaria de magnesio suele ser insuficiente para cubrir las necesidades del organismo. Entonces puede ser necesaria la suplementación con sales de magnesio.
Los suplementos de magnesio pueden venir en forma de polvo, tabletas, soluciones orales y cápsulas. Los suplementos dietéticos también pueden combinar sales de magnesio con otros compuestos bioactivos como la vitamina B6
Propiedades y efectos deseados
El magnesio es un elemento químico esencial en muchos niveles, particularmente dentro del cuerpo humano donde participa en no menos de 300 reacciones metabólicas.
En particular, juega un papel clave en:
- la transmisión de mensajes nerviosos
- relajación muscular después de la contracción
- transformación de carbohidratos y lípidos
- síntesis de proteínas
- división celular
- el equilibrio de electrolitos del cuerpo
- mantenimiento de huesos y dientes sanos.
Los suplementos de magnesio se recomiendan especialmente para suplir ingestas insuficientes.
Una deficiencia de magnesio puede tener muchas repercusiones: pérdida de apetito, náuseas, vómitos, fatiga, debilidad, estrés, ansiedad, calambres, temblores, latidos irregulares del corazón…
Fatiga y estrés
Las autoridades europeas de salud pública reconocen que una ingesta de magnesio puede ayudar a reducir la fatiga, contribuir al metabolismo energético y al funcionamiento mental normal. De hecho, debe recordarse que el magnesio participa en muchas funciones del cuerpo, incluida su relajación.
Calambres musculares
Estos pueden resultar de la falta de magnesio. Los estudios muestran que la suplementación oral con magnesio puede disminuir la frecuencia y la intensidad de los calambres.
Síndrome premenstrual
Según varios estudios, una ingesta óptima de magnesio podría tener beneficios para reducir el dolor premenstrual y menstrual (dismenorrea).
Un estudio reciente publicado en 2016 también mostró que la suplementación con magnesio podría reducir la frecuencia y la intensidad de los ataques de migraña.
Otros trabajos también han arrojado resultados positivos para la prevención o el tratamiento de la osteoporosis, ciertas enfermedades cardiovasculares y cálculos renales. Se esperan los resultados de varios estudios en curso.
El magnesio es considerado un elemento esencial para el organismo. Esto significa que necesariamente debe ser proporcionado por la dieta o la suplementación:
420 mg/d en hombres
360 mg/d para mujeres
Sin embargo, ten cuidado, estas referencias nutricionales varían según varios parámetros, como el tamaño corporal, la edad y ciertas situaciones específicas, como el embarazo, los períodos de esfuerzo intenso o el estrés.
El magnesio es un oligoelemento esencial para el buen funcionamiento del organismo. La suplementación puede ser esencial para prevenir o luchar contra una deficiencia. Sin embargo, el uso de suplementos de magnesio está contraindicado en pacientes con insuficiencia renal.
5 comentarios
John John
I need the world to know how THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD recovered my stolen cryptocurrency. It is truly unfathomable how individuals who deceive others out of their hard-earned money can sleep peacefully at night. My personal encounter with these scammers was not only outrageous but also had a severe negative impact on my mental health. I invested a total of $1.8 million. I wanted to take my life because I had nothing else to live for anymore. A friend of mine introduced me to THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD, a renowned cybersecurity and cryptocurrency recovery expert. THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD assured me that I will get all my funds back and guess what? I got it all back. I am grateful that I came across THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD. If you’ve been duped, there may be little you can do to make things right. You have no other choice except to contact THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD. I am aware of numerous trustworthy recovery organizations, but THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD is my top option due to how swiftly they assisted me in Recovering my lost crypto that I had placed with a negligent broker. If you have unfortunately fallen victim to similar circumstances, reach out to this Recovery team as soon as possible to address your situation. Nobody is perfect, but we can correct our mistakes and learn from them.
WhatsApp (+1(520)200-2320 ), or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
If you’re in London, you can visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help!
I need the world to know how THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD recovered my stolen cryptocurrency. It is truly unfathomable how individuals who deceive others out of their hard-earned money can sleep peacefully at night. My personal encounter with these scammers was not only outrageous but also had a severe negative impact on my mental health. I invested a total of $1.8 million. I wanted to take my life because I had nothing else to live for anymore. A friend of mine introduced me to THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD, a renowned cybersecurity and cryptocurrency recovery expert. THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD assured me that I will get all my funds back and guess what? I got it all back. I am grateful that I came across THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD. If you’ve been duped, there may be little you can do to make things right. You have no other choice except to contact THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD. I am aware of numerous trustworthy recovery organizations, but THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD is my top option due to how swiftly they assisted me in Recovering my lost crypto that I had placed with a negligent broker. If you have unfortunately fallen victim to similar circumstances, reach out to this Recovery team as soon as possible to address your situation. Nobody is perfect, but we can correct our mistakes and learn from them.
WhatsApp (+1(520)200-2320 ), or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
If you’re in London, you can visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help!
John John
I need the world to know how THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD recovered my stolen cryptocurrency. It is truly unfathomable how individuals who deceive others out of their hard-earned money can sleep peacefully at night. My personal encounter with these scammers was not only outrageous but also had a severe negative impact on my mental health. I invested a total of $1.8 million. I wanted to take my life because I had nothing else to live for anymore. A friend of mine introduced me to THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD, a renowned cybersecurity and cryptocurrency recovery expert. THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD assured me that I will get all my funds back and guess what? I got it all back. I am grateful that I came across THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD. If you’ve been duped, there may be little you can do to make things right. You have no other choice except to contact THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD. I am aware of numerous trustworthy recovery organizations, but THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD is my top option due to how swiftly they assisted me in Recovering my lost crypto that I had placed with a negligent broker. If you have unfortunately fallen victim to similar circumstances, reach out to this Recovery team as soon as possible to address your situation. Nobody is perfect, but we can correct our mistakes and learn from them.
WhatsApp (+1(520)200-2320 ), or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
If you’re in London, you can visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help!
I need the world to know how THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD recovered my stolen cryptocurrency. It is truly unfathomable how individuals who deceive others out of their hard-earned money can sleep peacefully at night. My personal encounter with these scammers was not only outrageous but also had a severe negative impact on my mental health. I invested a total of $1.8 million. I wanted to take my life because I had nothing else to live for anymore. A friend of mine introduced me to THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD, a renowned cybersecurity and cryptocurrency recovery expert. THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD assured me that I will get all my funds back and guess what? I got it all back. I am grateful that I came across THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD. If you’ve been duped, there may be little you can do to make things right. You have no other choice except to contact THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD. I am aware of numerous trustworthy recovery organizations, but THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD is my top option due to how swiftly they assisted me in Recovering my lost crypto that I had placed with a negligent broker. If you have unfortunately fallen victim to similar circumstances, reach out to this Recovery team as soon as possible to address your situation. Nobody is perfect, but we can correct our mistakes and learn from them.
WhatsApp (+1(520)200-2320 ), or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
If you’re in London, you can visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help!
John John
I need the world to know how THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD recovered my stolen cryptocurrency. It is truly unfathomable how individuals who deceive others out of their hard-earned money can sleep peacefully at night. My personal encounter with these scammers was not only outrageous but also had a severe negative impact on my mental health. I invested a total of $1.8 million. I wanted to take my life because I had nothing else to live for anymore. A friend of mine introduced me to THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD, a renowned cybersecurity and cryptocurrency recovery expert. THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD assured me that I will get all my funds back and guess what? I got it all back. I am grateful that I came across THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD. If you’ve been duped, there may be little you can do to make things right. You have no other choice except to contact THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD. I am aware of numerous trustworthy recovery organizations, but THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD is my top option due to how swiftly they assisted me in Recovering my lost crypto that I had placed with a negligent broker. If you have unfortunately fallen victim to similar circumstances, reach out to this Recovery team as soon as possible to address your situation. Nobody is perfect, but we can correct our mistakes and learn from them.
WhatsApp (+1(520)200-2320 ), or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
If you’re in London, you can visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help!
I need the world to know how THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD recovered my stolen cryptocurrency. It is truly unfathomable how individuals who deceive others out of their hard-earned money can sleep peacefully at night. My personal encounter with these scammers was not only outrageous but also had a severe negative impact on my mental health. I invested a total of $1.8 million. I wanted to take my life because I had nothing else to live for anymore. A friend of mine introduced me to THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD, a renowned cybersecurity and cryptocurrency recovery expert. THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD assured me that I will get all my funds back and guess what? I got it all back. I am grateful that I came across THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD. If you’ve been duped, there may be little you can do to make things right. You have no other choice except to contact THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD. I am aware of numerous trustworthy recovery organizations, but THE HACK ANGEL RECOVERY WIZARD is my top option due to how swiftly they assisted me in Recovering my lost crypto that I had placed with a negligent broker. If you have unfortunately fallen victim to similar circumstances, reach out to this Recovery team as soon as possible to address your situation. Nobody is perfect, but we can correct our mistakes and learn from them.
WhatsApp (+1(520)200-2320 ), or shoot them an email at (support@thehackangels.com) They also have a great website at (www.thehackangels.com)
If you’re in London, you can visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help!
Michael Schwarz
I am a car repairer in Berlin, and last year I fell victim to a crypto scam, losing over €129,670 to an individual posing as an expert named David. It was a devastating experience, and I felt hopeless. Fortunately, I found Jet Web Hackers, who offered their assistance. They were professional, supportive, and dedicated to helping me recover my lost funds. Thanks to their expertise, I was able to reclaim a significant portion of my money within weeks. I am incredibly grateful to Jet Web Hackers for their help and encourage others to be cautious in the crypto space
reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their
TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers
WHATSAPP: +1 (704) 252-2290
I am a car repairer in Berlin, and last year I fell victim to a crypto scam, losing over €129,670 to an individual posing as an expert named David. It was a devastating experience, and I felt hopeless. Fortunately, I found Jet Web Hackers, who offered their assistance. They were professional, supportive, and dedicated to helping me recover my lost funds. Thanks to their expertise, I was able to reclaim a significant portion of my money within weeks. I am incredibly grateful to Jet Web Hackers for their help and encourage others to be cautious in the crypto space
reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their
TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers
WHATSAPP: +1 (704) 252-2290
Maria Jose
I had the pleasure of experiencing the exceptional services of GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER through testimonies of scam victims which was exactly where I got to know about GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. I never believed it was possible to recover lost cryptocurrency until a few days ago. I lost $72000 to an online bitcoin investment broker, I was so sad because I invested a lot. I sought help from the best recovery hacking agency out there. One of the best decisions I ever made was to contract GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER to help me resolve my lost cryptocurrency. I am forever grateful to the GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER team for their crucial role in this process. Without their expertise and intervention, I would have thought my funds were lost forever. Their results are good. If getting your funds GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER is your goal. They are the leading solution for any digital currency fraud recovery. They recognize emerging issues and offer clients practical solutions with better outcomes aligned to their strategic objectives. If you happen to be a victim like me, I’ll recommend you to contact GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER through their email at
Email: geovcoordinateshacker@protonme
Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com
WhatsApp +1 (512) 550 1646
Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
I had the pleasure of experiencing the exceptional services of GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER through testimonies of scam victims which was exactly where I got to know about GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. I never believed it was possible to recover lost cryptocurrency until a few days ago. I lost $72000 to an online bitcoin investment broker, I was so sad because I invested a lot. I sought help from the best recovery hacking agency out there. One of the best decisions I ever made was to contract GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER to help me resolve my lost cryptocurrency. I am forever grateful to the GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER team for their crucial role in this process. Without their expertise and intervention, I would have thought my funds were lost forever. Their results are good. If getting your funds GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER is your goal. They are the leading solution for any digital currency fraud recovery. They recognize emerging issues and offer clients practical solutions with better outcomes aligned to their strategic objectives. If you happen to be a victim like me, I’ll recommend you to contact GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER through their email at
Email: geovcoordinateshacker@protonme
Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com
WhatsApp +1 (512) 550 1646
Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack